Operation Business Analyst/MES // Santo Domingo - Empleos RYP <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async='async' src='https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-RPXHH1KHP7'></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-RPXHH1KHP7'); </script>

19 septiembre 2019

Operation Business Analyst/MES // Santo Domingo

Analista de Operaciones / MES // Santo Domingo

Las tareas típicas incluyen:

Responsabilidad por la configuración y el mantenimiento de una aplicación de sistema de control de planta MES, incluidos componentes como la interfaz de usuario, middleware, conexiones de máquina y prueba, paneles, informes e implementación de estos sistemas.
Conocimiento de los flujos típicos del proceso de fabricación.

Responsabilidad por la configuración y soporte de aplicaciones PLM, y conocimiento experto en mejores prácticas para el negocio.
Realice asistencia técnica las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para aplicaciones a nivel mundial
Realice la instalación, configuración y soporte de aplicaciones para proyectos a nivel mundial.

Capacidad para viajar del 50 al 75% del tiempo a nivel mundial según sea necesario.
Proporciona análisis de procesos y diagramas de flujo para procesos de producción desde el taller hasta la configuración de la aplicación.
Realización de validaciones de procesos para aplicaciones y procesos utilizados en la fabricación de dispositivos médicos.

Ensuring that uniform enterprise-wide application standards are maintained and documented
Collaborating with other stakeholders to ensure architecture is aligned with business requirements

The right candidate will possess the following skills and experience

Experience with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
Experience with Critical Manufacturing MES software.
Experience with Machine connection software such as Kepware.
Understanding of cloud computing, microservices, IoT, Machine connections, test engineering.

Cloud-first architecture experience leveraging at least one commercial cloud platform (i.e. Azure, AWS, OpenShift)
Ability to perform Business Analysis functions.

Experience with GUI/front end configuration in MES applications.
Knowledge of a modern programming language (C#, VB.NET, Java, HTML5, etc.)

Experience with application testing.
Experience with the SAP application.
Experience with label design and printing.
Understanding of DB objects, tables, views, keys, indexes, and stored procedures.
Experience with SQL Server Reporting Services and Development of reports.

Experience with data transfer and B2B systems.
Experience with SPC.
Bilingual English/Spanish

Good communication and conversation skills.
Proven written English, grammar, and punctuation skill for business documents.
Ability to work with global teams, on-site and remote.


Build configurations in shop floor systems to match actual factory processes.
Drive consistent UI standards across applications for the entire group
Integrate new technologies where appropriate to improve customer experience
Build SSRS reports for site/division/customer needs
Build “dashboards” and visual tools to display manufacturing data
Perform application on-call support on a rotation basis.

Troubleshoot application configuration issues from user and DB sides
Be available for travel for implementation and support
Perform SME training on supported applications
Update application info and training materials as needed.

Train users and coworkers as an application expert.
Create training materials and app data config for training and testing scenarios.


Understanding of security protocols and authentication, AD.
Experience with common messaging patterns and have worked with at least one message queue/broker technology (AMQP, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ, etc...)
Experience with multiple data stores (SQL Server, MongoDB, Redis, etc.)
Previous experience building microservices and/or cloud first applications
Prior experience building and deploying IoT solutions
Experience with cloud computing (MS Azure, Amazon cloud, Kafka, etc)
Experience with Big Data, machine learning, data science, and/or artificial intelligence

Requisitos de educación y experiencia Se
prefiere una licenciatura en informática o sistemas de información gerencial.
-O mínimo de 5 a 8 años de experiencia, o educación y experiencia equivalente.


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